Medical providers and facilities that hold letters of protection (LOP) or Liens on personal injury cases and or Worker's Compensation cases take on inherent collection RISK in their patient’s underlying legal case.
Why wait years to receive payment, if there is payment at all? There is no need to wait for payment on your personal injury or worker's compensation receivables when you align with Access Funding Solutions.
As your patient mix gravitates more towards personal injury and or worker's compensation cases, your cost to collect will elevate proportionately. Radically reduce or totally eliminate this inherent collection cost by working with Access Funding Solutions.
Stop negotiating with those personal injury attorneys who often refer patients to you. Access Funding Solutions has the finesse to increase your receivables while maintaining your close attorney relationships. Stop wasting your staffs time calling those Insurance adjusters and worker's compensation defense attorneys only to be rejected or denied payment.
When your patient’s underlying personal injury legal case is lost, your LOP is worthless and you will not be paid – anything! By aligning with Access Funding Solutions, you will remove this inherent collection risk.
We have the expertise necessary to manage these claims without you having to wait for payment or deal with the denials and rejection.
We have the flexibility to purchase your ongoing medical recievables and or lend you money based on the current cash flow of your medical receivables.
At Access Funding Solutions, our #1 goal is to provide health care providers with the ability to take advantage of the fruits of their labor without waiting for the insurance companies to decide if and when the health care provider will get paid. You work hard to provide stellar health care to your patients and you should be paid for those services NOW!
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